Monday, August 2, 2010

less than 4 months left...

so, of the things that were on my list "25 things i want to do before i'm 25," the following is what i've accomplished:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - nope
2. Sew a baby blanket for niece - nu-uh
3. Finish painting the house - definitely not going to happen, probably ever
4. Leave my job - sigh...
5. Start graduate school - DONE (yes!!!!)
6. Get a dog (this one’s up to Granger) - this may happen... in 2012
7. Go to a foreign country I haven’t been to yet - does woodbridge, VA count? it's sorta like a different country...
8. Travel somewhere with friends - um, i went to charlottesville, VA to visit monica... screw it i'm marking this one as done too!
9. Spend a weekend in NYC - i wish...
10. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry - i've driven past Harper's Ferry several times, does that count?
11. Spend a day in Annapolis - apparently a 1 hr drive outside of DC is just too much for me...
12. Visit a vineyard - YES!!! I did this one!!! several vineyards, in fact... *pats self on back*
13. Spend a day photographing DC (black and white film) - i recently developed a roll of black and white film that i shot in Spain... in 2006...
14. Go to DC sights I’ve never been to before - sweet, this one's done! i went on a tour of the West Wing AND i went to a naturalization ceremony in the Rose Garden. take THAT, list!
15. Exercise at least 4 times per week - HAHAHAHAHAHA
16. Eat healthier - ummmm, yeah, i'm going to go ahead and mark this one as done
17. Learn how to cook one new dish each month - how 'bout one dish TOTAL???
18. Learn how to shoot - still to scared of guns, maybe someday though
19. Learn how to make really good French bread - i ate some really good French bread...
20. Take a class on pottery making - again, no, but i painted some pottery that someone else made
21. Type up and organize my poetry into a binder - i don't know where my poetry is, so this one's going to be difficult
22. Make a meal for a large group of people (appetizer, main dish, and dessert) - crap...
23. See a musical - yes! another one down!
24. Start writing more (fiction) - this one could have been done if i hadn't specified fiction. i've written 100+ pages of papers...
25. Go on a cruise - i thought about going canoeing a few weeks ago

ok, so in 10 months, i have managed to do 6 out of the 25 things on this list. actually, for me, that's pretty darn good! i think i'll call it a year and rename this list "19 things i want to do before i'm 26"