Friday, March 25, 2011

i don't want to write this paper...

it's stupid. economics is stupid. i don't care what you say, nothing good has ever come from me studying economics...


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

2011 is going to be a hard year for me, so here is a list of all the awesome things that i have to look forward to until the year is over

=========already happened=========
January: Detroit for wedding dress shopping :)
February: Jacksonville, NC to visit Granger and Shenandoah National Park, VA with the Jeffs family
March: Jacksonville, NC again to visit Granger
=========still to come=========
May: Denver, CO for partying with Eric and Beth
June: annual trip to Kitty Hawk, NC with Emily et. al. at the beginning of the month, then Kincardine, Ontario for ERIC AND BETH'S WEDDING!!!
July: Outer Banks, NC with the fam, unless my work trip to Prague gets in the way... either way, later in the month, Prague!!!
September: Las Vegas, NV with Emily for her 27th birthday
November: my 26th birthday (does that count????)
December: graduate from AU and, most importantly, THE END OF 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the art of nomad-ry

i have moved all of my things from one place to a different place 3 times already this year, and i am not done yet!

i've moved:
1. from one room to another room on s st.
2. from s st. to lindsay and rich's new house
3. from lindsay and rich's new house to mom and dad's basement

i'm currently holding at #3, although come march 25th/26th (not that i'm counting, lindsay! oh who am i kidding... 16 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!), i will progress to #4:

4. moving from mom and dad's basement to an actual bedroom at mom and dad's house

oh, to have my very own room again! to have a room, with a door (that can be CLOSED!!), and a bathroom nearby where i can SHOWER (rather than only take a bath) without leaving bruises on my elbows...