Monday, December 19, 2011

yup, it's another update on my paper, just friggin deal with it.

9/2 - finalize topic, research question, and adviser
9/12 - submit formal 10pg proposal to adviser
10/17 - complete and submit rough draft of chapters 1, 2, and 3
12/14 - complete and submit rough draft of chapters 4, 5, and 6
12/17 - finish editing per adviser's suggestions/complete second rough draft
12/22 - revise and submit final draft

even though i "officially" have to turn in my SRP today, my professor says it's ok if i turn it in a little late. i'm aiming for tomorrow, but thursday the 22nd is the absolute last day i will work on it. period.

Monday, December 12, 2011

SRP update

SRP "progress"

9/2 - finalize topic, research question, and adviser
9/12 - submit formal 10pg proposal to adviser
10/17 - complete and submit rough draft of chapters 1, 2, and 3
12/14 - complete and submit rough draft of chapters 4, 5, and 6
12/17 - finish editing per adviser's suggestions/complete second rough draft
12/19 - revise and submit final draft

i *officially* have to have my SRP turned in on the 19th, giving me ONE. MORE. WEEK. one a positive note, i just finished a 15 pg final paper that's due on wednesday. hooray...

(anyone notice how i kept pushing back the deadline date for chapters 4, 5, and 6? nope? good.)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

dear december,

well, well, well, december, you sure took your time getting here. i have to say, in all my 313 months on this planet, i have never looked forward to a month coming (and going), more than i have you, good old december 2011.

it's not your fault, though. it's just, well, you mark the end of two things whose ends i have been anticipating for quite a while. now really, december, don't be offended. you know you're kind of a middle-of-the-pack month anyway. i mean, your days are cold and short and grey. the only reason you're ahead of july is because you might bring snow and july only brings heat and humidity. now may, there's a month!

where was i? oh, right... december, i want you to be over. plain and simple. when you're over, i will be finished with my MA and granger will be home. besides, i'm going to turks and caicos in january. so, pretty please, hurry up!
