Thursday, September 27, 2012

UPDATE: 20 things before 2013

given that it's the end of september,  i should be about 3/4 done with me 20 things to do before 2013 list.  so, how am i doing?

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - well, this is getting embarrassing... sorry, mom!
2. Get an awesome job that i love - had an interview, didn't get that job. now revising my cover letter and firing this process up to full speed. i am D-O-N-E with my current job, i *literally* have dreams of quitting...
3. Learn how to coupon - gotta figure out how i can get multiple copies of the coupon inserts (everything i've read says you need at least 10/week!)
4. Practice my Spanish - todavia, no
5. Start learning French - non
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction - nyet
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...) -nein
9. Take pottery classes - la
10. Take a class in photoshop - nahin
11. Get an apartment - moved in on Sept. 1 :)
12. Make artwork for the apartment - in progress (i'm working on turning this little doodle technique i've done my whole life into actual frame-able artwork. i'll take pictures of the final result)
13. Visit Annapolis - it's gonna happen
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - also gonna happen (esp now that Caroline is in Charlottesville too!)
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before - NJ? i might just have to drive there for a day just to check this one off my list...
16. Volunteer at least 6 times - 4 so far: Kenilworth-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up, IONA house meal packaging, Marvin Gaye Park-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up, cleaning and doing maintenance at an orphanage outside of Prague
17. Read at least 12 books for fun - 29 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, Demon Lord of Karanda, Sorceress of Darshiva, Wuthering Heights, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Tears of the Giraffe, Morality for Beautiful Girls, The Kalahari Typing School for Men, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Valley of Fear, Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Fifty Shades trilogy, A Game of Thrones (regarding the completion of the last book: DEAR DC LIBRARY PATRONS, PLEASE RETURN THE KINDLE VERSION OF 'A CLASH OF KINGS' SO I CAN READ IT. K THANKS. LOVE, BRIGIT)
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff - moving to an apt always makes a person want to get rid of things, so i would say i've made good progress on this one! still not complete, though
19. Pay off grad school loans - made another BIG payment, so now i've paid 77% of it (WOOHOO!!!!!).  only 23% more to go... sooooo close!!!!!!
20. Lose 20 lbs (starting weight: 170; goal weight: 150) -well, there was some backwards sliding this summer when i was in prague and greece (good food, good beer, no gym = hello again, pounds-i-lost-in-the-spring). current weight = 160 :(

ok, so i've done 3 out of 20 things (#s 6, 11, and 17). that's only 15%, not anywhere close to the 75% i should be done with... not very good at all! *hangs head in shame

granted, some are in various stages of being completed (#s 1, 2, 5, 12, 16, 18, 19, and 20), some are definitely probably going to happen this year (#s 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20), or if they don't happen this year, they will definitely definitely happen next year (#s 2, 5, 19, 20).  the only ones i don't really expect to be able to finish this year are #s 3, 4, 9, and 10). so if i end the year with 16/20 completed, i'll be happy!