Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sadie the dog

yesterday was the one year anniversary since sadie joined the moore/michael family.  when i first got her, i was worried that i was going to somehow screw her up, but it looks like i haven't.  at least not yet anyway.  turns out that all you have to do is make sure you treat your dog like a dog, not a spoiled kid, and they'll be all like "ohhhhhhhhh, duuuuuuude, i get it now... YOU'RE in charge" and then do/listen to whatever you say.  that is unless you're telling your dog to do something important, something that should probably already be pretty darn clear to them (example: i overheard granger tell sadie the other night, as she was wheeze-coughing over her food bowl, "sadie, you idiot, you have to BREATHE while you eat!").

anyway, as i think everyone already knows, i had wanted a dog for a long time before i got sadie.  and then she waltzes into my life at exactly the right moment: granger is in afghanistan (making me relatively emotionally unstable) and approximately 143% of my time is spent writing my MA thesis (making me relatively emotionally unstable), working part-time (less money!!!!) at my less-than-ideal job (making me relatively emotionally unstable), and going to class/completing assignments for class (making me relatively emotionally unstable).  getting sadie, aka ms. snugglemuffin extraordinaire, at that point in my life was PERFECT.  every time i got completely overwhelmed with everything and started crying i had a real live thing i could hug and snuggle with, and all she'd do was wag her tail, snuggle closer, and sometimes fart to lighten the mood.  and then i finished my MA and granger came home, and i STILL had an awesome dog that i could do fun things with, and she would still wag her tail and snuggle with me.  even perfecter!

and now, with granger and i ensconced in an apartment that actually allows her overly-aggressive/vicious attack-dog breed (see "snuggling" from above), things have gotten even perfecterer.  can't complain about perfecterer!  this is, of course, not to say that sadie is 100% responsible for the awesomeness that is my life right now, but she sure helped when things were less awesome last year, and now that things are awesome again she just adds to their awesomitude.  granger and i laugh at her ridiculous antics several times a day (see: running into the screen door when she thought it was open, getting her tug caught on the arm of a chair and then dragging the chair through the living room trying to free it, scaring herself with her loud farts because "guys, did you hear that?!?! where the hell did that sound come from??? and WHAT is that SMELL???", her quite un-ladylike snoring, her twitchy dreams where you can tell if she's chasing something or eating something, and the routes/methods she chooses as the "best option" for getting onto the sofa with us, including jumping onto granger's lap and then walking across my abdomen to get to "her" spot.)

of course, no one is perfect (except me!).  but, the rare occasions when sadie has done something bad, i use her full name - sadie moore michael - so she knows she's in trouble.  when she's being annoying, however, i just call her sadie michael, since she CLEARLY didn't get that skill from the moore side (see: me = perfect from above).

anyway, flaws and all, it has been awesome having a dog, and even awesomer that my dog is sadie.  just look at that floppy ear!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


it's raining outside
i wish i was still in bed
instead i'm at work

maryland drivers
keep your eye out for bikers
and learn how to drive

happiness consists
of a Redskins victory
and a Cowboys loss

BAM! done with #7 on my list of things to do.  :)