Tuesday, January 12, 2010

climbing onto my high horse...

so, i just saw this interactive map that explains state by state the laws regarding gay-marriage, and it made me mad. the red states ("constitution, statute ban same-sex marriage and/or other same sex unions") overwhelm the other-colored states (where gay marriages or unions are allowed or at least recognized). to me, this incredibly controversial issue is really a non-issue. if two people who love each other want to get married, they should be allowed to do so. end of story.

i understand that it makes some people uncomfortable to know that people of the same sex want to marry (or, heaven forbid, a person actually SEES two people of the same sex being affectionate! *gasp!*), but 50 years ago, it made some people uncomfortable that black people attended the same schools, ate at the same restaurants, rode the same bus as white people. one hundred years ago, it made some people uncomfortable that women wanted to vote. who is to say that 50 years from now we won't look back at this time period and be ashamed of ourselves for believing so strongly that gay marriage was a terrible thing?

another argument that people have against gay marriage is that it is a sin, and this is also infuriating to me. in this country, we have separation of church and state. i don't care what your religious beliefs are, and i don't care what my religious beliefs are, we simply cannot make laws based on them. it offends me that people try to make others legally obligated to follow what their religion espouses.

if someone can offer me a valid reason as to why gay marriage should remain illegal (or become illegal again in the states where it is now allowed), then i would certainly like to hear it.

and now, i climb off my high horse...

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