Monday, February 7, 2011

how many little fails equal ONE. BIG. FAIL?

i woke up this morning on the "wrong side of the bed," as it were. it didn't help that before 8:30 this morning, i managed to slam my elbow on the soap holder in the tub, forget my workout clothes for my afternoon trip to the gym, get some red, sticky substance all over my purse at CVS, be shoulder-checked by an angry looking woman in dupont circle, and spill my coffee all over my desk.

the first incident was met with loud profanities, as is frequently the case when i injure myself (pain = RRRRRAAAAAGGGGGEEEE). by the time i got the red sticky stuff on my purse, i had been actively trying to convince myself to get over my bad mood for some time. unfortunately, after the red sticky stuff incident, that effort went out the window... then, almost immediately after that, i notice a woman who is walking towards me on MY SIDE OF THE SIDEWALK (like a game of chicken, we were careening recklessly towards each other). i decided to be polite and just move over to the other side of the sidewalk, but as we got closer to each other, she apparently had the inescapable urge to move to the other side of the sidewalk, directly in my path again. now, perhaps if i had been in a better mood, this wouldn't have annoyed me and i would have simply moved over again. as it was, however, this was an unforgivable offense, so i only moved over slightly father to the left, giving her most of the sidewalk to pass by me, but she still ran into me! well, ok, "ran into me" is an exaggeration; we barely grazed each other, but STILL... she had the whole friggin sidewalk!!!

and then, after i finally got to my office, i made coffee, poured myself a cup, and proceeded to spill it all over my desk... needless to say, i spent the next few hours curled up in the fetal position under my desk, incapable of doing anything but snivel and moan about my unfortunate circumstances. and by that, of course, i mean that i cleaned up the coffee, got *more* coffee, cursed the Monday-morning gods, and started to work. ok, fine, i started to "work."

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