Thursday, June 30, 2011

UPDATE: 20 things to do before 2012

since it's the end of june, it seems fitting to see how i'm doing on my list of 20 things to do before 2012:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - crap
2. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - not yet (we're off to a bit of a slow start here)
3. Visit Eric & Beth in Alaska - no (BUT potential visiting plans are in the works)
4. Visit Granger in North Carolina - YUP! finally, one down!!!
5. Spend a day in Annapolis - no...
6. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry - again, not yet
7. Travel to a foreign country - canada totally counts, and I'll be in both the czech republic and greece in july too!
8. Read at least 5 books for pleasure - done, thanks to the twilight series :)
9. Learn and master a new dish (just ONE!) - i made this awesome new salmon recipe, so screw it i'm giving myself this one
10. Start learning French - non (that's french for "no")
11. Take a class in something fun (read: not school related! something like pottery, wine tasting, or cooking) - nope, but i think i can actually accomplish this one this year
12. Be a photographer for a day - this, i will do in prague or greece
13. Go to a cultural event each month - ummm, no, unless i reeeally stretch the definition of "cultural"
14. Expand my musical horizons - ha! what does this one even mean? i've heard some new songs...
15. Work out 2-3 times per week - hahahahahahaha
16. Lose 10 lbs - i should have written down what weight i was when i wrote that, because now i have no way to know if i accomplished that
17. Finish my MA from American University - pending
18. Get an awesome job that I love - we'll see
19. Get my own place (where I can have a dog) - looking like this one's not going to happen until 2012 at the earliest
20. Get a dog - fingers are still crossed

ok, so it appears that i still have a ways to go on this list... but 4 down is a start! 16 to go, although there are some that just aren't likely to happen this year (see #19).

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