Sunday, August 21, 2011

burning out...

i have a paper to write. 10 pages. not too difficult of a topic. i even know, generally, what i want to write and how i want to structure it. the problem? i am completely unable to make myself work on it. i have zero motivation. actually, i can think of nothing that i want to do less right now. and the worst part? i told myself i was going to have it turned in yesterday. as in, the day before today that has already ended. hmmm... whoops. granted, it was a self-imposed deadline that is somewhat flexible (which might be part of the motivation problem), but i don't think i've ever missed a deadline that i could have made, if i had worked hard on it. sure, i've asked for extensions before when i really NEEDED them. this one? didn't need it. i totally could have finished my paper yesterday. i just didn't. and i'm even having trouble caring that i didn't.

this is bad. i have a 50-75 page thesis to write this fall. i need to find this motivation, and fast! i can't burn out this close to the end!

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