Tuesday, February 21, 2012

limitless = worst movie ever

it doesn't take much for me to enjoy a movie. i mean, come on, i have intentionally watched the twilight series several times, and have enjoyed them EACH time... that should give an indication of my standards for movie-enjoyment. with that in mind, i have to say that 'Limitless' is by far one of the worst movies i have ever seen ever. i was actively upset when i checked how much more time there was in the movie to learn that i had only made it through 35 minutes of it, and that there were more than 65 minutes left!!!! i thought to myself at the time that, really, it had to get better, so just stick with it until the end... so i watched the whole damn thing. BIG. MISTAKE. when it was *finally* over, i was actually angry with myself for having watched it all. i fervently wish neil burger could give me my 100 minutes back.

so, if you were thinking of watching this movie, don't. just back away from your netflix queue, and then send me a thank you note.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

jeeeeeez, GRANGER

ok, this is just unfair... the man gets our anniversary (feb 1), valentine's day (feb 14), AND his birthday (feb 15) within a 2 week span. i mean, what is this??? you can't be that greedy with holidays/events, you jerk! plus, christmas was barely a month ago!!! i think he's being selfish and honestly, if you think about it, he's clearly trying to reduce me to abject poverty...

sidenote, how is the new fancy bose speaker system, GRANGER???

your broke girlfriend

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

lessons of adulthood, part I

1. waking up on a work day is no easier at 7:00am than 6:30am, so just suck it up and get up at 6:30am so you're not rushing all morning/late for work.*

2. there is no perfect solution to the following conundrum: do-i-feel-gross-for-the-first-half-of-the-work-day-but-shower-after-working-out-at-lunch OR do-i-shower-in-the-morning-and-after-working-out-making-my-skin-super-dry? sometimes, you're just going to feel a little undrefresh in the mornings (as long as you don't smell underfresh, you're fine), and sometimes you're just going to have to deal with itchy dry skin (especially in the winter). either way, it's not ideal. but you know what's even less ideal? my weight.

to be continued...

*just because a lesson has been acknowledged, doesn't mean that it is fully followed. yet. ahem.