Monday, June 4, 2012

summer 2012

so much to do, so little time!

i feel like i am really packing things in this summer...  for the most part, they're fun things that i'm busy with, and most people would be really excited at the prospect of my summer.  BUT, while i am slightly excited, i am someone who really appreciates free time and not having something to do at every moment (even if said something is SOMUCHFUN).  so bottom line, even though others might be jealous about everything i'm doing this summer, i feel like it's actually going to be on the stressful side for me.  here goes:

6/8 - 6/10: granger in DC for a long weekend
EITHER: 6/16: annapolis for the day; 6/17: father's day
OR: 6/16 - 6/17: charlottesville to visit monica
6/22 - 6/24: NC to visit granger
6/29 - 7/1: packing for europe (hopefully i can convince granger to come visit!)
7/2 - 7/18: working in prague
7/18 - 8/6: working in crete
8/6 - 8/11: beach with la familia

essentially, i have 1 more weekend in DC until mid-august, unless i decide to stay in town 6/17 - 6/18 (although angie and i have been planning on going to annapolis for a while and i also  want to visit monica before i leave for europe).  again, i know i sound like a jerk for complaining about this, but just remember that my idea of the perfect weekend is one at home (with granger), reading a good book in a sunbeam, with sadie cuddled up next to me, followed by a friend or two coming over to hang out/watch a movie.  low key, essentially.  so don't be too jealous of my exciting, busy summer. i'm gonna be exhausted at the end of it.

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