Friday, April 17, 2009

spring, occasionally

i woke up at 8:12 am today. technically speaking, i am supposed to be at work at 8:30 am; clearly, there was no way that i was going to be able to make it in by then, so i decided not to rush to get ready. if i was going to be late, i might as well embrace it. so i got up, got ready, put my things together, and leisurely headed out.

as i stepped outside, i was greeted by a beautiful, sunny morning. despite the fact that it's mid april, dangerously close to late april in fact, one can hardly argue that we have experienced much of that beloved dc spring weather yet. until today. this morning, the birds were so giddy that it was almost annoying to listen to them chirping away. violets are just starting to poke through the grass in front lawns, and you could smell spring in the air. why did i have to go to work? it seemed so unfair!

i've walked the same route nearly every day for much of my life. when i was little, my walk was to janney, then to deal, then wilson. after a four year hiatus in chicago, i am back, but now i walk to the metro to go to work instead of to school. i have a lot of memories of walking that walk, generally hurrying because i was late for something, only occasionally being able to take the time to appreciate my surroundings.

it turns out that i was only 20 minutes late to work, but, since my work hours are flexible, this was not a problem at all. so i got to sleep in a little bit, i got to avoid the usual rush-to-work chaos, and i got to appreciate one of the few truly beautiful days we've had in dc this year. not too bad for a friday morning.

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