Monday, December 13, 2010

20 things to do before 2012

ok, so last year's list of "25 things i want to do before i'm 25," was a big fail (for proof, go here). i'm going to try again this year, although i'm going to make my goals are more achievable to avoid another BIG FAIL. i'm also going to modify it to be only 20 things, and rather than have my birthday as the deadline i'm going to make it December 31, 2011. here goes:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom
2. Visit Monica in Charlottesville
3. Visit Eric & Beth in Alaska
4. Visit Granger in North Carolina
5. Spend a day in Annapolis
6. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry
7. Travel to a foreign country
8. Read at least 5 books for pleasure
9. Learn and master a new dish (just ONE!)
10. Start learning French
11. Take a class in something fun (read: not school related! something like pottery, wine tasting, or cooking)
12. Be a photographer for a day
13. Go to a cultural event each month
14. Expand my musical horizons
15. Work out 2-3 times per week
16. Lose 10 lbs
17. Finish my MA from American University
18. Get an awesome job that I love
19. Get my own place (where I can have a dog)
20. Get a dog

i think everything on this list is achievable before 2012, although the ones that could potentially give me trouble are the last 3 (since #18 is dependent on accomplishing #17, #19 is dependent on #18, and #20 is dependent on #19). some of these are guaranteed to happen, like #7 (Eric and Beth's wedding in Canada!), but most of them really depend on me motivating myself to get them done. so, will i be able to do it this year???

Friday, December 10, 2010

apology post... and you're welcome

ok, well, from the last few posts you can probably guess how i've been spending most all of my time these past few days... i'm sorry to have bored you with updates about my school work, but now, you can rest assured that what i post will be incredibly, undeniably, UNBELIEVABLY interesting!

today's topic...SOCKS!!!!

so, i date a sock thief. like seriously, it gets to the point where every few months i have to root through granger's sock drawer to find all my socks because all i have left is an unmatched orange and green striped sock and an unmatched fluffy red sock. so i go through his drawer, and there i find a good 15-20 pairs of my socks (along with a pair of my gloves... granger: "but you gave them to me!" brigit: "no i didn't, i just gave up looking for them!") neatly folded up exactly how you'd expect someone in the military to fold socks. something like this:

on the other hand, if you looked in my sock drawer, it would look something like this:

so anyway, i get all my socks and put them back into my dresser. but, whadda know? the next time i wear the socks, i put them in the laundry, they get washed, and then THEY END UP BACK IN HIS DRAWER! he's a sneaky one, that granger...

fortunately for me, i came up with the perfect solution to this problem. i noticed, after careful observation, that granger is only a nice white ankle sock thief. he doesn't touch my colorful socks, and he stays far away from my fluffy socks. so the solution was clear: neon ankle socks! so i got a 6 pack of hot pink, neon green, and bright orange socks:

not so interested in these, are you, granger?


  • tuesday 11/30 - final presentation on the DRC
  • thursday 12/2 - final paper on Timor-Leste (20 pages)
  • monday 12/6 - revised research proposal due (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - report on DRC presentation (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - final paper on DRC/greed and grievance (15-20 pages)
  • thursday 12/9 - final exam in US Experiments in Peacebuilding

Monday, December 6, 2010

progress report...

  • tuesday 11/30 - final presentation on the DRC
  • thursday 12/2 - final paper on Timor-Leste (20 pages)
  • monday 12/6 - revised research proposal due (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - report on DRC presentation (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - final paper on DRC/greed and grievance (15-20 pages)
  • thursday 12/9 - final exam in US Experiments in Peacebuilding

Thursday, December 2, 2010

UPDATE: next 7 days of my life

here's my to-do list for the next 7 days:
  • tuesday 11/30 - final presentation on the DRC
  • thursday 12/2 - final paper on Timor-Leste (20 pages)
  • monday 12/6 - revised research proposal due (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - report on DRC presentation (10 pages)
  • tuesday 12/7 - final paper on DRC/greed and grievance (15-20 pages)
  • thursday 12/9 - final exam in US Experiments in Peacebuilding

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


ok, this post isn't really about puppies... i didn't know what to call it, so i went with puppies because i like puppies and they make me happy so HECK YEAH i'm gonna call this post "puppies!" and you can just live with it! ha!


recently, i've been having a lot of trouble sleeping... i lie awake at night and think to myself, 'man, i really wish i could fall asleep right now.' unfortunately, i can't fall asleep because, simultaneous to that thought is ANOTHER THOUGHT: 'i wonder if the DOD has a chart on their website for how much assistance they gave to Timor-Leste from 1999-2005...'

first of all, this proves how much of a nerd i am. um, i can't fall asleep because i'm too busy thinking about what the DOD did in Timor-Leste? moreover, with a timeframe? really? i need a life! but even more interesting (interesting may be a stretch) is the fact that a person can think two entirely different thoughts at the exact same time. and actually, as i was thinking these two thoughts simultaneously, i realized i was doing it and started wondering how that was possible. in a way, it was like right when i was at 'fall asleep' in the first thought and at 'chart on their website' in the second thought, a third thought started: 'how the crap am i thinking so many thoughts at once?'

unfortunately, as soon as i started thinking about my superhuman simultaneous thought abilities, i was wide awake. this was the opposite of what i wanted, but since it was already happening i figured i might as well actively try to have two thoughts at once. fail. it turned into something like this: 'man, i really wish i wonder if the DOD has i could a chart on their website fall asleep for how much assistance they right now gave to Timor-Leste from 1999-2005...'

seems like my superhuman simultaneous thought abilities only work when i don't think about them. otherwise, it's just the same old jibberish that usually occupies my head. but still, it's pretty cool to have superhuman abilities, even if they only appear uninvited when they are least welcome.
