Monday, December 13, 2010

20 things to do before 2012

ok, so last year's list of "25 things i want to do before i'm 25," was a big fail (for proof, go here). i'm going to try again this year, although i'm going to make my goals are more achievable to avoid another BIG FAIL. i'm also going to modify it to be only 20 things, and rather than have my birthday as the deadline i'm going to make it December 31, 2011. here goes:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom
2. Visit Monica in Charlottesville
3. Visit Eric & Beth in Alaska
4. Visit Granger in North Carolina
5. Spend a day in Annapolis
6. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry
7. Travel to a foreign country
8. Read at least 5 books for pleasure
9. Learn and master a new dish (just ONE!)
10. Start learning French
11. Take a class in something fun (read: not school related! something like pottery, wine tasting, or cooking)
12. Be a photographer for a day
13. Go to a cultural event each month
14. Expand my musical horizons
15. Work out 2-3 times per week
16. Lose 10 lbs
17. Finish my MA from American University
18. Get an awesome job that I love
19. Get my own place (where I can have a dog)
20. Get a dog

i think everything on this list is achievable before 2012, although the ones that could potentially give me trouble are the last 3 (since #18 is dependent on accomplishing #17, #19 is dependent on #18, and #20 is dependent on #19). some of these are guaranteed to happen, like #7 (Eric and Beth's wedding in Canada!), but most of them really depend on me motivating myself to get them done. so, will i be able to do it this year???

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