Sunday, November 13, 2011

i'm really trying to not let this blog be completely overrun with self-pitying rants about my SRP, but...

ok, so, given the fact that i'd rather be watching football, drinking a beer, and chilling with granger, and instead i'm holed up in the basement (aka, the dungeon) with an IV line pumping coffee directly into my bloodstream, and granger is still really, really, really far away, i guess i just don't have lots of sunshine-and-happiness things to write about.

so instead, you "get" to read about why i'm writing all my posts about how much writing this paper sucks and not writing about other more interesting things.

1. i literally have nothing exciting going on in my life right now, so the only thing that there IS to talk about is this paper. every weekday except thursday, i wake up in the morning, spend 7.5 hours at work, and then i come home and i sit in front of my computer for hours and hours longer trying to finish this darn thing. and on thursday, saturdays, and sundays? on those days i spend the ENTIRE day sitting in front of my computer working on this thing. so, you'll just have to forgive me for talking about how much this paper sucks incessantly until i finish it. have i mentioned that it sucks? because if i haven't, you should know that it sucks. a lot.

2. granger is gone, so i am missing my partner-in-crime. well, ok, partner in awesome-fun-things-happening-whenever-the-@$%^-we-want-them-to. as soon as he's back, and i'm done with this paper (which sucks, if i forgot to say that earlier), i will have my life back, and i will be much more likely to DO interesting things, thereby making me able to WRITE about interesting things.

you know it's bad when the most interesting post on here is about why i'm not posting about interesting things. sigh.

in 2 weeks, though, you might get lucky. i'm going to alaska this friday, which will assuredly be the most exciting thing that has happened to me in a long, long time. (although eric and beth, please, no more mummified creatures or moose on your doorstep, k? thanks,)

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