Wednesday, November 9, 2011


BOO-YA, list!

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - ok bad start, but whatever...
2. Visit Monica in Charlottesville
3. Visit Eric & Beth in Alaska - NEXT WEEK, BABY
4. Visit Granger in North Carolina
5. Spend a day in Annapolis - probably not going to happen
6. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry - might possibly happen (we'll see)
7. Travel to a foreign country - canada (CHECK), czech republic (CHECK), and greece (CHECK)
8. Read at least 5 books for pleasure
9. Learn and master a new dish (just ONE!) - i've been all over this one
10. Start learning French - probably not going to happen
11. Take a class in something fun (read: not school related! something like pottery, wine tasting, or cooking) - wine tasting is TOTALLY in that list, and monica and i did that in a big BIG way
12. Be a photographer for a day
13. Go to a cultural event each month
14. Expand my musical horizons
15. Work out 2-3 times per week
16. Lose 10 lbs
17. Finish my MA from American University - december 14th, no later than december 22
18. Get an awesome job that I love
19. Get my own place (where I can have a dog)
20. Get a dog - Sadie, world; world, Sadie

9 down - almost halfway there!

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