Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joseph Kony, giant douchebag extraordinaire

Ok, here's my take on the KONY 2012 video [posted below]:

Joseph Kony has been committing atrocities for more than a quarter century, so I'm REALLY glad that this video is raising awareness about him. BUT, the problem and the solution offered in this video are over simplified... There's a lot more to it than just training the Ugandan military (especially since the LRA doesn't just hunker down in Uganda, they're also active in the DRC & Sudan). The video also doesn't mention that members of the Ugandan military have been accused of atrocities, so maybe just training them isn't the best (or only) solution. Anyway, bottom line, I love that Kony and the LRA are getting so much negative attention, but we also need to be cautious of oversimplification. And with that, enjoy:

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