Friday, March 30, 2012

SITREP*: 20 things to do in 2012

ok, so we're 3 months (or 1/4) done with 2012, meaning that i should probably be at least 1/4 done with my '20 things to do in 2012' list. uh oh... here's how i'm doing:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - in progress
2. Get an awesome job that i love - starting job search
3. Learn how to coupon
4. Practice my Spanish
5. Start learning French
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...)
9. Take pottery classes
10. Take a class in photoshop
11. Get an apartment
12. Make artwork for the apartment
13. Visit Annapolis
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - trip planned for May (no dates yet)
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before - see map below for options. it's looking like new jersey and kentucky are only ones within driving distance...
16. Volunteer at least 6 times (1 so far: March 10th, Kenilworth-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up)
17. Read at least 12 books for fun - 15 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, Demon Lord of Karanda, Sorceress of Darshiva, Wuthering Heights
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff - happening slowly but surely
19. Pay off grad school loans - in progress (saving takes a while!)
20. Lose 20 lbs (current weight: 170; goal weight: 150): in progress (last weigh in: 166lbs)

ok, so i've finished 2 so far (i REALLY underestimated how many books-for-fun i'd read this year!), and i'm in the works of completing a few others (#1, #2, #14, #16, #18, #19, and #20). i guess that's good progress?

*SITREP = short for situation report, which is military speak for "update me" or "what's going on?"

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