Wednesday, November 14, 2012


after a trip to IKEA to buy the frames (among other things), i finally finished the artwork i have been working on for the apartment.  you may recognize my doodles - i've been doing them my whole life!

here's the final product:

(and for those keeping score, please note that this takes care of #12 on my '20 things to do in 2012' list)

Friday, November 9, 2012

happiness is...

...having just paid off your graduate school loans IN FULL less than ONE YEAR after completing your degree

*pats self on back

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

election day

i think obama's got this, but i'm still nervous!!!!  i just want this day/election to be over, for obama to have won it, and for the country to move on to bigger and better things.

and in the meantime, i want some wine!


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sadie the dog

yesterday was the one year anniversary since sadie joined the moore/michael family.  when i first got her, i was worried that i was going to somehow screw her up, but it looks like i haven't.  at least not yet anyway.  turns out that all you have to do is make sure you treat your dog like a dog, not a spoiled kid, and they'll be all like "ohhhhhhhhh, duuuuuuude, i get it now... YOU'RE in charge" and then do/listen to whatever you say.  that is unless you're telling your dog to do something important, something that should probably already be pretty darn clear to them (example: i overheard granger tell sadie the other night, as she was wheeze-coughing over her food bowl, "sadie, you idiot, you have to BREATHE while you eat!").

anyway, as i think everyone already knows, i had wanted a dog for a long time before i got sadie.  and then she waltzes into my life at exactly the right moment: granger is in afghanistan (making me relatively emotionally unstable) and approximately 143% of my time is spent writing my MA thesis (making me relatively emotionally unstable), working part-time (less money!!!!) at my less-than-ideal job (making me relatively emotionally unstable), and going to class/completing assignments for class (making me relatively emotionally unstable).  getting sadie, aka ms. snugglemuffin extraordinaire, at that point in my life was PERFECT.  every time i got completely overwhelmed with everything and started crying i had a real live thing i could hug and snuggle with, and all she'd do was wag her tail, snuggle closer, and sometimes fart to lighten the mood.  and then i finished my MA and granger came home, and i STILL had an awesome dog that i could do fun things with, and she would still wag her tail and snuggle with me.  even perfecter!

and now, with granger and i ensconced in an apartment that actually allows her overly-aggressive/vicious attack-dog breed (see "snuggling" from above), things have gotten even perfecterer.  can't complain about perfecterer!  this is, of course, not to say that sadie is 100% responsible for the awesomeness that is my life right now, but she sure helped when things were less awesome last year, and now that things are awesome again she just adds to their awesomitude.  granger and i laugh at her ridiculous antics several times a day (see: running into the screen door when she thought it was open, getting her tug caught on the arm of a chair and then dragging the chair through the living room trying to free it, scaring herself with her loud farts because "guys, did you hear that?!?! where the hell did that sound come from??? and WHAT is that SMELL???", her quite un-ladylike snoring, her twitchy dreams where you can tell if she's chasing something or eating something, and the routes/methods she chooses as the "best option" for getting onto the sofa with us, including jumping onto granger's lap and then walking across my abdomen to get to "her" spot.)

of course, no one is perfect (except me!).  but, the rare occasions when sadie has done something bad, i use her full name - sadie moore michael - so she knows she's in trouble.  when she's being annoying, however, i just call her sadie michael, since she CLEARLY didn't get that skill from the moore side (see: me = perfect from above).

anyway, flaws and all, it has been awesome having a dog, and even awesomer that my dog is sadie.  just look at that floppy ear!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


it's raining outside
i wish i was still in bed
instead i'm at work

maryland drivers
keep your eye out for bikers
and learn how to drive

happiness consists
of a Redskins victory
and a Cowboys loss

BAM! done with #7 on my list of things to do.  :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

UPDATE: 20 things before 2013

given that it's the end of september,  i should be about 3/4 done with me 20 things to do before 2013 list.  so, how am i doing?

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - well, this is getting embarrassing... sorry, mom!
2. Get an awesome job that i love - had an interview, didn't get that job. now revising my cover letter and firing this process up to full speed. i am D-O-N-E with my current job, i *literally* have dreams of quitting...
3. Learn how to coupon - gotta figure out how i can get multiple copies of the coupon inserts (everything i've read says you need at least 10/week!)
4. Practice my Spanish - todavia, no
5. Start learning French - non
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction - nyet
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...) -nein
9. Take pottery classes - la
10. Take a class in photoshop - nahin
11. Get an apartment - moved in on Sept. 1 :)
12. Make artwork for the apartment - in progress (i'm working on turning this little doodle technique i've done my whole life into actual frame-able artwork. i'll take pictures of the final result)
13. Visit Annapolis - it's gonna happen
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - also gonna happen (esp now that Caroline is in Charlottesville too!)
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before - NJ? i might just have to drive there for a day just to check this one off my list...
16. Volunteer at least 6 times - 4 so far: Kenilworth-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up, IONA house meal packaging, Marvin Gaye Park-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up, cleaning and doing maintenance at an orphanage outside of Prague
17. Read at least 12 books for fun - 29 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, Demon Lord of Karanda, Sorceress of Darshiva, Wuthering Heights, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Tears of the Giraffe, Morality for Beautiful Girls, The Kalahari Typing School for Men, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Valley of Fear, Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Fifty Shades trilogy, A Game of Thrones (regarding the completion of the last book: DEAR DC LIBRARY PATRONS, PLEASE RETURN THE KINDLE VERSION OF 'A CLASH OF KINGS' SO I CAN READ IT. K THANKS. LOVE, BRIGIT)
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff - moving to an apt always makes a person want to get rid of things, so i would say i've made good progress on this one! still not complete, though
19. Pay off grad school loans - made another BIG payment, so now i've paid 77% of it (WOOHOO!!!!!).  only 23% more to go... sooooo close!!!!!!
20. Lose 20 lbs (starting weight: 170; goal weight: 150) -well, there was some backwards sliding this summer when i was in prague and greece (good food, good beer, no gym = hello again, pounds-i-lost-in-the-spring). current weight = 160 :(

ok, so i've done 3 out of 20 things (#s 6, 11, and 17). that's only 15%, not anywhere close to the 75% i should be done with... not very good at all! *hangs head in shame

granted, some are in various stages of being completed (#s 1, 2, 5, 12, 16, 18, 19, and 20), some are definitely probably going to happen this year (#s 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20), or if they don't happen this year, they will definitely definitely happen next year (#s 2, 5, 19, 20).  the only ones i don't really expect to be able to finish this year are #s 3, 4, 9, and 10). so if i end the year with 16/20 completed, i'll be happy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

word cloud

i think this word cloud might only capture the first page of my blog (i couldn't figure out how to capture the whole thing), but still, it seems fitting that the 3 biggest words (meaning they're the most repeated) are "granger," "apartment," and "beach." they're some of my favorite things!!! :)  also, if it caught the whole blog, there would probably be more words like "stressed," "school," and "paper." maybe it's best that those entries aren't included...


Monday, August 27, 2012


if all goes well, granger and i will be moving into an apartment together (with sadie) this coming weekend.  we submitted the application last week, and everything was cleared except our criminal background checks, which apparently requires 48 hours to process.  we should hear about that today, and unless granger is a secret criminal, i think we're set to sign the lease this friday and move in on saturday.  yay!!!

the apartment is in rockville, MD. (here's a map).  it's not an ideal location for the commute to work, but it has several advantages that outweigh its location: 1. it's the ONLY apartment complex that we've found that allows pit bulls to live there, meaning that all 3 of us can actually live together. 2. rock creek regional park (which is connected to rock creek park in DC) is immediately behind the complex, meaning that there will be lots of walking/hiking/biking trails to explore. 3. it's in MD, which means that granger will qualify for in-state tuition at UMD when he transfers there, and the GI bill will cover 100% of in-state tuition. it's also really convenient for granger to get to MC, where he'll be taking classes until he transfers to UMD. 4. the apartment is a 2br/2ba, so we will have lots of space, and there's a patio that goes out onto a grassy area so we can have bbqs etc. (also convenient for letting sadie outside).  5. there's a pool AND a gym in the complex.  so yeah, the commute won't be as awesome as the one i have now, but i'm still really excited to live there!!!

UPDATE - we passed the criminal background check!!!! now all we have to do is go sign the lease and then prepare to be a lot poorer very quickly...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

the beach

so, if you know me well, you know that i LOVE the beach.  going to the beach is like therapy for me.  whatever cares i had pre-beach are gone (or at least forgotten) post-beach.  there's just something about settling into the sand with a good book, bobbing waves, diving through waves, building sand-castles, burying friends/family members, hunting critters, tossing around a football or a frisbee, playing volleyball, going on beach walks, or just plain-old lying around soaking up the sun.  whatever you end up doing is awesome.

having said all that, 2012 has turned into the Year of the Beach.  turks and caicos in january and greece in july/august (even though i was working, i managed to find *some* time for the beach)...  and, since returning to the US 16 days ago, i have spent 8 of them at the beach.  not too shabby!  also, there is some serious talk of trying to get together a group to go to jamaica in december, meaning that my beachy-exploits for 2012 might not be over yet. which, if you ask me, is AWESOME!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

well, at least it's over...

this summer was stressful and i'm glad it's over.  i'll try to post something about what i did with the 5 weeks i was in prage/crete later on, but for now, i'm simply basking in its over-ness.


Wednesday, June 27, 2012

20 things before 2013 UPDATE

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - some progress, but nowhere near finished yet
2. Get an awesome job that i love - job search is definitely underway, no actual new job yet, though
3. Learn how to coupon
4. Practice my Spanish - Si! Donde esta el biblioteca? Mi hermano es muy gordo y mi hermana es muy feo! (just checking if you read this, Eric and Lindsay)
5. Start learning French - progress-ish!!! i recently got the French I Rosetta Stone... haven't started learning yet, though... (thanks again Rich! Tu eres muy simpatico!)
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...) - i want to make curtains, i just need to find my sewing machine... i know it's somewhere!!!
9. Take pottery classes - too much $$$ at the moment (especially while i'm trying to finish #19 on this list!)
10. Take a class in photoshop - i'm not even sure why this one is on my list anymore... oh well! i'm stuck with it!
11. Get an apartment - i hope granger getting an apartment counts...
12. Make artwork for the apartment
13. Visit Annapolis - trip was planned, but had to be canceled due to unforeseen circumstances (read: Angie messed everything up!!! AGAIN!!!!!)
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - i was going to go earlier this month, but granger got a long weekend and came up to DC... and with my upcoming international travel, i'm gonna have to wait until the fall to go :(
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before - new jersey or kentucky, get ready, because at some point in 2012, i'm visiting you!
16. Volunteer at least 6 times - 1/2 way done (3 so far: Kenilworth-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up, IONA house meal packaging, Marvin Gaye Park-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up)
17. Read at least 12 books for fun - this one i am accomplishing with aplomb! (24 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, Demon Lord of Karanda, Sorceress of Darshiva, Wuthering Heights, The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Tears of the Giraffe, Morality for Beautiful Girls, The Kalahari Typing School for Men, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, A Study in Scarlet, The Sign of the Four, The Hound of the Baskervilles, The Valley of Fear)
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff - constant work in progress: donating, throwing away/recycling, and organizing what remains
19. Pay off grad school loans - nearly 1/2 way done! i just sent over my first payment, which lopped off 42% of the total. so, 58% more to pay off, then FREEEEEDOMMMMM
20. Lose 20 lbs (starting weight: 170; goal weight: 150) - making really good progress! current weight: 155 (and holding!!! 155 has been something of a plateau for me...)

so, ok, i STILL only have 2 of these 20 things accomplished.  that's not great considering that i should have crossed at least 10 off by now (it IS the end of june, after all...).  but hey, i'm making serious headway in #19 and #20.  #1, #2, and #16 are actively being worked on, and i took a giant step forward for # 5...  and if it weren't for that darn angie, #13 would be crossed off too!


Monday, June 4, 2012

summer 2012

so much to do, so little time!

i feel like i am really packing things in this summer...  for the most part, they're fun things that i'm busy with, and most people would be really excited at the prospect of my summer.  BUT, while i am slightly excited, i am someone who really appreciates free time and not having something to do at every moment (even if said something is SOMUCHFUN).  so bottom line, even though others might be jealous about everything i'm doing this summer, i feel like it's actually going to be on the stressful side for me.  here goes:

6/8 - 6/10: granger in DC for a long weekend
EITHER: 6/16: annapolis for the day; 6/17: father's day
OR: 6/16 - 6/17: charlottesville to visit monica
6/22 - 6/24: NC to visit granger
6/29 - 7/1: packing for europe (hopefully i can convince granger to come visit!)
7/2 - 7/18: working in prague
7/18 - 8/6: working in crete
8/6 - 8/11: beach with la familia

essentially, i have 1 more weekend in DC until mid-august, unless i decide to stay in town 6/17 - 6/18 (although angie and i have been planning on going to annapolis for a while and i also  want to visit monica before i leave for europe).  again, i know i sound like a jerk for complaining about this, but just remember that my idea of the perfect weekend is one at home (with granger), reading a good book in a sunbeam, with sadie cuddled up next to me, followed by a friend or two coming over to hang out/watch a movie.  low key, essentially.  so don't be too jealous of my exciting, busy summer. i'm gonna be exhausted at the end of it.

Friday, May 18, 2012

things i want to do this summer

1. pick strawberries
2. jazz in the garden
3. screen on the green
4. tubing on the potomac
5. nats games
6. dc united games
7. canoeing on the potomac
8. go camping

Monday, May 14, 2012

9,673 days

i just googled "how many days have i been alive?" and it turns out that today, may 14, 2012, is my 9,673rd day alive.  the website then helpfully told me that:
Your 1,000th day was August 15, 1988!
Your 5,000th day was July 29, 1999!
Your 10,000th day will be April 6, 2013!
Your 15,000th day will be December 14, 2026!
Your 20,000th day will be August 22, 2040!
Your 25,000th day will be May 1, 2054!
Your 30,000th day will be January 8, 2068!
Your 35,000th day will be September 16, 2081!
...and after that we're getting pretty damned optimistic.

so, come April 6, 2013, i'm going to have a 10,000th day celebration! and if i remember, i'll celebrate all the other ones, too!

and you know what, website? i don't appreciate your last statement. in my head, i retorted, "YOUR FACE IS PRETTY OPTIMISTIC!!!" take that, website. take that!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday, April 27, 2012

The Gramanator Turns 90 (also known as Eric and Beth's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad travel experience)

these past couple of weeks have been busy with lots of fun things happening.  just about two weeks ago, my granny, the one and only Gramanator, turned 90 years old!  let me repeat, 90. YEARS. OLD. the entire fam (with parties arriving from AK, CA, MN, and DC as well as the local NCers) gathered in asheville, NC to eat, drink, be merry, and then drink some more. 

we got there on april 12th (looooooong drive, but i can't complain), briefly met up at rob and linda's house for a delicious burgers-n-dogs dinner, and then, due to general travel-exhaustion, pretty much everyone went back to the hotel on the early side.  later that evening, eric and beth *finally* made it from AK (did i mention that their travels sucked?), and after some preliminary, parentally-supervised fun, the three of us made our way to the hotel bar to await granger's arrival.  he arrived a little while later, we partook of a few more adult beverages, and then it was our bedtime as well.

friday was The Big Day for the gramanator.  we started off with a short hike to pearson's falls, where a kind fellow-walker took a big group shot of everyone who'd walked all the way to the falls.  after milling and romping about, we all gathered at the start of the path up to the falls for an awesome picnic spread.  

The Gramanator (left) and her sister Mary at Pearson's Falls
after a brief post-pearson's falls respite, we all met up at travinia's restaurant for the main event: the birthday dinner.  my dad, mr. name-anagram-expert, came up with a game where each of us received a letter from "HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRAMANATOR" (mine was the "B") and had to say something about gram that related to our letter.  then, after each of us went, we were arranged into other phrases ("BATTY HAIRY GRANDMA HIPPO" and "BARGAIN HAM TYPHOID PARTY") before spelling out the real message, with the help of a friendly waitress who held up the final "R" in "GRAMANATOR." i believe gram got a kick out of the whole thing, especially the part where approximately 20 relatively smart people could NOT figure out where they had to stand in order to spell out these messages... although come to think of it, a majority of us are related to HER...

overall, many funs were had by all (even jack and elise, who stayed up way past their bedtimes by being were totally preoccupied watching a movie). some even continued the party back at the hotel, although only eric, beth, granger, and i made it to playing a somewhat-unsteady couple of games of pool in the hotel bar (oddly, the players got even less and less steady as more games were played. no idea why.).

on saturday, i was feeling very much like i had gained back all 10 pounds i had just shed in march, and so was very much in favor of a LONG hike/waddle up looking glass rock.  it's about a 6.5 mile hike (roundtrip), very much uphill for pretty much the entire way to the top, with gorgeous panoramic views from the top. the hiking crew consisted of me, granger, the parents, eric, beth, and nancy.

view from the top of looking glass rock
me and granger, top of looking glass rock
the hike was awesome, and it made me feel SO much better about stuffing my face later that evening on the delicious dips that linda makes (oh my gosh, they're GOOD!)... also, the dinner.  and the drinks, too (have i mentioned i'm on a "diet?"). that evening we were treated to a slide show by rob, who showed some old pictures taken by OLGB (old loveable grandpa bob), as well as some slides of family gatherings over the last 15-20 years. as always, i love rob's slideshows!

the next morning the DC crew headed out. before leaving, we took a family shot that, once again, only included a majority of the family rather than the whole crazy group. it's hard to catch everyone! granger stuck around an extra day and chilled with the moore/rippeys (which is both awesome and terrifying - WHO ARE YOU WITH? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? TELLLLLL MEEEEEEE!!!!!!). the drive back to DC was uneventful, if looooooong, although, again, can't complain too much...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012



starting weight: 170 lbs
current weight: 160 lbs
goal weight: 150 lbs

i weighed myself over the weekend, at home, on an unofficial scale. this is a BIG no-no: i've been trying to use the same one at my gym for more accurate results, but i had missed the 'official' weigh-in last tuesday due to catching The Plague, and i just couldn't wait until today to check my progress. much to my surprise, the scale at home said 160, meaning i'd lost 10 lbs!!! i was nervous to believe it since it wasn't the official scale, however, so i had to wait until today for confirmation. anyway, long story short, i just went to the gym on my lunch break and weighed myself and I REALLY HAVE LOST 10 POUNDS!!!!!

i know i'm only 1/2 way to my goal, but i feel awesome and motivated and i can't wait to reach 150!!!

Friday, March 30, 2012

SITREP*: 20 things to do in 2012

ok, so we're 3 months (or 1/4) done with 2012, meaning that i should probably be at least 1/4 done with my '20 things to do in 2012' list. uh oh... here's how i'm doing:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom - in progress
2. Get an awesome job that i love - starting job search
3. Learn how to coupon
4. Practice my Spanish
5. Start learning French
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...)
9. Take pottery classes
10. Take a class in photoshop
11. Get an apartment
12. Make artwork for the apartment
13. Visit Annapolis
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville - trip planned for May (no dates yet)
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before - see map below for options. it's looking like new jersey and kentucky are only ones within driving distance...
16. Volunteer at least 6 times (1 so far: March 10th, Kenilworth-Bandalong Litter Trap clean up)
17. Read at least 12 books for fun - 15 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit, Castle of Wizardry, Enchanter's End Game, Guardians of the West, King of the Murgos, Demon Lord of Karanda, Sorceress of Darshiva, Wuthering Heights
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff - happening slowly but surely
19. Pay off grad school loans - in progress (saving takes a while!)
20. Lose 20 lbs (current weight: 170; goal weight: 150): in progress (last weigh in: 166lbs)

ok, so i've finished 2 so far (i REALLY underestimated how many books-for-fun i'd read this year!), and i'm in the works of completing a few others (#1, #2, #14, #16, #18, #19, and #20). i guess that's good progress?

*SITREP = short for situation report, which is military speak for "update me" or "what's going on?"

Thursday, March 29, 2012

USA part 2

apparently i have been to oregon and ohio, and i totally forgot that i *just* went to colorado last year... duh!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

uhhh, i seem to be missing a large chunk of this country...

i was looking at my "20 things to do in 2012" list recently, and one of them, you might remember, is to visit a state i haven't been to before. well, that got me thinking... which states have i *not* been to before? i found a blank map of the US on the internets, and i highlighted all the states that i can remember visiting.

mom/dad/lindsay/eric - am i missing any? i feel like i have to have been to wisconsin before, but i can't remember ever going there. and did we stay in nevada on our RV trip? or oregon? have i ever been to new jersey? new hampshire? vermont?

(states that i've flown through or driven through don't count; i actually have to have stayed a night there.)

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

great success!!!

so i weighed myself today, and i'm down a total of 4 pounds in the last month. hooray!!!

starting weight: 170lbs
current weight: 166lbs
goal weight: 150lbs

despite my relatively whiny post below about how hard losing weight is, i think i need to amend my outlook. in a way, of course, it is hard. it takes hard work, and lots of motivation, but most of all it just takes a lot longer than expected (especially compared to what you - ahem *i* - expected at the outset). so i think that the hardest thing is going to be maintaining all the motivation. but for me, that's where weighing myself every few weeks helps: progress makes me want to KEEP GOING!!!

so, hooray!!! i'm 1/5 of the way to my goal!!!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

losing weight is a b*tch

so, it turns out that everything about losing weight sucks. i was really hoping that not changing my diet one iota (i LIKE cheese! and carbs!! and WINE!!!) and doing ~3 relatively easy work outs each week would melt the pounds off. but it was not to be. i tried that for a few weeks and made absolutely no progress...

did you know that ONE POUND EQUALS 3500 CALORIES??? so to lose just 1 lb/week (which is the max amount deemed safe by the medical community), you either have to reduce your food intake by 3500 calories/week (IMPOSSIBLE), burn an extra 3500 calories/week (IMPOSSIBLE), or somehow combine the two strategies so that the end result is 3500 calories not eaten/burned (possible, but not fun). obviously, i'm doing the latter. here's how:

1. 4 hour-long cardio workouts at the gym/week (600+ calories burned per workout) = minimum of 2400 calories burned per week through exercise

2. this leaves me with 1100 calories per week (or approximately 150 calories per day) that i need to NOT consume

the workout part of this plan is not so bad. for my 4 hour-long cardio sessions, i go to the gym every saturday and sunday, once during the week at lunch (approved by my superawesome boss), and once after work. if i'm feeling super-motivated (rare), i'll tack on a weight lifting session after cardio or i'll go another day of the week to get one in. i don't know if this makes me weird, but once i'm at the gym i actually really like working out. it's the getting my butt up and going to the gym that's a challenge for me. also, last week i went to the gym on friday, saturday, AND sunday, and became so exhausted that i could barely function. i need to not do that again...

the food part is less fun. even having to reduce my intake by less than 200 calories/day gets annoying. what i've done so far is eliminate alcohol (it's been a loooooong 3 weeks... SIIIGGGHHH...), avoid eating anything when i'm not actually hungry (but snacks are so delicious... SIIIGGGHHH...), and eating less of dinner. i've been doing this strategy for 3 weeks now (although i have allowed myself a few treats here and there). last time i weighed myself (March 1), i had lost 2 lbs. i'm planning on weighing myself again this thursday, and i desperately hope that all this is paying off. keep your fingers crossed for me.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Joseph Kony, giant douchebag extraordinaire

Ok, here's my take on the KONY 2012 video [posted below]:

Joseph Kony has been committing atrocities for more than a quarter century, so I'm REALLY glad that this video is raising awareness about him. BUT, the problem and the solution offered in this video are over simplified... There's a lot more to it than just training the Ugandan military (especially since the LRA doesn't just hunker down in Uganda, they're also active in the DRC & Sudan). The video also doesn't mention that members of the Ugandan military have been accused of atrocities, so maybe just training them isn't the best (or only) solution. Anyway, bottom line, I love that Kony and the LRA are getting so much negative attention, but we also need to be cautious of oversimplification. And with that, enjoy:

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

limitless = worst movie ever

it doesn't take much for me to enjoy a movie. i mean, come on, i have intentionally watched the twilight series several times, and have enjoyed them EACH time... that should give an indication of my standards for movie-enjoyment. with that in mind, i have to say that 'Limitless' is by far one of the worst movies i have ever seen ever. i was actively upset when i checked how much more time there was in the movie to learn that i had only made it through 35 minutes of it, and that there were more than 65 minutes left!!!! i thought to myself at the time that, really, it had to get better, so just stick with it until the end... so i watched the whole damn thing. BIG. MISTAKE. when it was *finally* over, i was actually angry with myself for having watched it all. i fervently wish neil burger could give me my 100 minutes back.

so, if you were thinking of watching this movie, don't. just back away from your netflix queue, and then send me a thank you note.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

jeeeeeez, GRANGER

ok, this is just unfair... the man gets our anniversary (feb 1), valentine's day (feb 14), AND his birthday (feb 15) within a 2 week span. i mean, what is this??? you can't be that greedy with holidays/events, you jerk! plus, christmas was barely a month ago!!! i think he's being selfish and honestly, if you think about it, he's clearly trying to reduce me to abject poverty...

sidenote, how is the new fancy bose speaker system, GRANGER???

your broke girlfriend

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

lessons of adulthood, part I

1. waking up on a work day is no easier at 7:00am than 6:30am, so just suck it up and get up at 6:30am so you're not rushing all morning/late for work.*

2. there is no perfect solution to the following conundrum: do-i-feel-gross-for-the-first-half-of-the-work-day-but-shower-after-working-out-at-lunch OR do-i-shower-in-the-morning-and-after-working-out-making-my-skin-super-dry? sometimes, you're just going to feel a little undrefresh in the mornings (as long as you don't smell underfresh, you're fine), and sometimes you're just going to have to deal with itchy dry skin (especially in the winter). either way, it's not ideal. but you know what's even less ideal? my weight.

to be continued...

*just because a lesson has been acknowledged, doesn't mean that it is fully followed. yet. ahem.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Providenciales, Turks & Caicos

so, last summer/fall, granger and i were planning on going to bougainville, papua new guinea (which is here) early this year. granger hasn't been home or seen most of his PNG-based family since he left there when he was 11, so we were pretty determined to make the trip. unfortunately, tickets to PNG in january were more than twice as expensive as tickets in february, but the marine corps wouldn't let him take enough time off in february for the trip to be worth it. when it became clear that it just wasn't feasible for us to go, we decided that we had to do *something* else (ostensibly to celebrate granger's homecoming and me finishing my MA, both of which happened at the end of december).

we started off looking at cruises, an idea that granger has talked about for a while. i've never really been super-excited about going on a cruise, so when beth mentioned we should go to turks and caicos instead, i pretty much just said, YUP. granger quickly got on board, and the search began. we (*note - that's the royal "we") ended up finding a nice little apartment that was *relatively* affordable and only about a 5 minute walk from the beach. it was nothing spectacular, but it had everything we needed.

we got to T&C on saturday, 1/14, got our rental car, and bravely took on the left-side-of-the-road driving. i was pretty sure we were going to die within 5 minutes of leaving the airport, but it was actually a really easy mental switch to make (and granger did a FANTASTIC job driving the whole vacation). our car was a dinky little daihatsu charade, which i, of course, instantly fell in love with (in the same way one would fall in love with an ugly dog...). it was also this greenish-yellowish color, which didn't really help it's appearance... anyway, we made it to the apartment (phew!), settled in, went to the grocery store (oops! forgot to tell my credit card company that i was traveling internationally!), and then took a walk on the beach near our place.

on sunday we accidentally explored the entire island (neither of us realized just how SMALL it is), as well as spent a few good hours relaxing/exploring/swimming Grace Bay (the most famous beach of T&C, where all the resorts are). the next couple of days were a mix of relaxing on various beaches, appeasing granger's inability to sit still and need to explore EVERYTHING, eating everything, drinking everything, and enjoying every minute of it. i'd give you play-by-play, but it would read, "we went to this beach, and then we ate this, and then we went back to this other beach, and then we ate this, and then we drank this..." so i'll spare you.

the one anecdote i'll share involves granger and a kayak. on thursday, we decided to rent some kayaks and paddle around Chalk Sound National Park (do a google image search, you'll hate us). we decided to get two single kayaks, and thank goodness we did. not 20 feet from the shore, i hear a big splash behind me and see granger's head pop up out of the water, next to his upside-down kayak. he immediately burst out laughing (so did i, along with the entire staff of the restaurant/resort where we rented the kayaks), hopped back in his kayak, and started paddling again. literally 30 seconds later i hear "OH S*@T..." followed by another splash. i couldn't believe that he'd tipped over again, but lo and behold, there was his kayak, upside-down, and there was granger standing in chest-deep water. i laughed even harder this time (again, so did the staff who could still clearly see us - we couldn't have been more than 50 yards into the sound). granger had a little more difficulty getting back into the kayak (those things are HARD not to tip over when you're getting back in them), but eventually he got back in and we went on our merry way. i thought surely he'd gotten the tipping out of his system, but within the next 30-45 minutes (and i'm not exaggerating here), granger tipped his kayak approximately 10 more times. i stopped counting at 8, so i can't say for sure the exact number... i was pretty sure he was tipping over so much because he's a little top-heavy (have you seen his arms???), and he was convinced something was wrong with his internal balance. needless to say, by the 10th (ok, the 5) time he tipped, it wasn't funny anymore, especially because (according to him), the bottom of the sound was very mushy sand, making it all the more difficult to jump back into the kayak. i learned a few new words, too... after about the 5th tip-over, we decided we'd had enough with this whole kayaking adventure, and headed back to the rental place. once we got there (5 tips later), and granger pulled his kayak out of the water, we figured out that his kayak was full of water, which was why it was so off balance. i guess after the first tip, it got water logged, and then the waves under the kayaks would cause the water to slosh around inside the kayak, and granger would fall over. i think both of us were relieved to find this out, since we were both more than a little worried about what could possibly be wrong with granger to make him tip over so much. we probably should have made a fuss to the rental company that their kayak was defective, but at that point, we (granger especially) needed a drink, so we hightailed it out of there. (*note - granger remained remarkably calm throughout the extended kayak-mishap. if it had happened to me... well, let's just say only one of us would have returned home from the vacation.)

for our drink-seeking quest, we went to a restaurant on Grace Bay and got a little food to share as well as some drinks. after about 30 minutes, we decided that enough time had passed to make the whole thing hilarious, and we spent a lot of time at lunch reliving the epic-kayak-adventure fail.

all in all, it was a wonderful vacation. i'm not sure i'd go back to T&C, since it really is a tiny island and i happen to date someone who needs ADVENTURE all the time. there were plenty of beaches that i could have plopped down on and not moved for 12 hours, but granger requires constant adventure so, alas, we need bigger islands. i know, i know... i sound like a snob ("that tropical island paradise just wasn't good enough"), but it's the truth. still, i cried as we pulled out of our apartment's driveway in our dinky yellow daihatsu...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

start of 2012 = bookworm + clutter-be-gone

so now that i'm done with grad school, i have *a lot* more free time. despite the extravaganza of granger's homecoming/christmas/new years/going back to full time at work that has kept me fairly busy since i turned in my final draft of my SRP (which, in case you're interested, happened at 3:07pm on wednesday, december 21st), i have managed to find some free time to start something i've needed to do for a while (organizing/throwing away/recycling/donating stuff i don't need/use anymore) and to take up something i've missed dearly (reading for FUN). last saturday, i started The Purge, as i'll call it, and so far have made relatively good progress. you wouldn't immediately notice a difference looking at my room, but the amount that i have already gone through suggests otherwise. laugh at me if you want, but it feels so good to declutter!!!

and as for reading, i'm about to finish my third book of the year. granted, i'm not reading any high-brow literature (the 'hunger games' trilogy, if you know it), but it is just so nice to be able to get comfy and lose myself in a book! it helps, too, that i have a kindle (thanks for the awesome christmas gift, mom and dad!) which means thousands of books are at my fingertips.

so basically, besides the obvious awesomeness of having granger home safe and sound and being done with school, i'm really glad to be reading and decluttering my life. the latter part will also be good the next time i move, since i feel like i have just been hauling a bunch of junk around with me every time i move...

also awesome, in case i haven't mentioned it, GRANGER AND I ARE GOING TO TURKS AND CAICOS ON SATURDAY!!!!! yup, super excited.

Friday, January 6, 2012

so, how'd i do?

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom
2. Visit Monica in Charlottesville
3. Visit Eric & Beth in Alaska
4. Visit Granger in North Carolina
5. Spend a day in Annapolis
6. Spend a day in Harper’s Ferry
7. Travel to a foreign country
8. Read at least 5 books for pleasure
9. Learn and master a new dish (just ONE!)
10. Start learning French
11. Take a class in something fun (read: not school related! something like pottery, wine tasting, or cooking
12. Be a photographer for a day
13. Go to a cultural event each month
14. Expand my musical horizons
15. Work out 2-3 times per week
16. Lose 10 lbs
17. Finish my MA from American University
18. Get an awesome job that I love
19. Get my own place (where I can have a dog)
20. Get a dog

11 out of 20. not great, but not bad all things considered (grad school, anyone?). i think i'm going to do this again in 2012. and, in the hopes of actually finishing it this year, i'm going to try to make them all legitimately accomplishable. here goes:

1. Finish knitting the scarf for my mom
2. Get an awesome job that i love
3. Learn how to coupon
4. Practice my Spanish
5. Start learning French
6. Travel to a foreign country i haven't visited yet - Turks and Caicos!!!
7. Write poetry/fiction
8. Make something (scarf, quilt...)
9. Take pottery classes
10. Take a class in photoshop
11. Get an apartment
12. Make artwork for the apartment
13. Visit Annapolis
14. Visit Monica in Charlottesville
15. Visit a state i haven't been to before
16. Volunteer at least 6 times
17. Read at least 12 books for fun (8 so far: The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Missing Person's Guide to Love, Dracula, Pawn of Prophecy, Queen of Sorcery, Magician's Gambit)
18. Consolidate, organize, and get rid of excess stuff
19. Pay off my grad school loans
20. Lose 20 lbs (current weight: 170; goal weight: 150)